Growth and development happen every time you step outside of your comfort zone.

I have always had a passion for learning, growth and self-development. I feel fortunate to stay connected to that purpose by working in a firm and industry that fosters culture, resilience and leadership. As a Finance leader, I have the opportunity to ensure the health and well-being of our business and to partner with leaders across industries. I am inspired to help build resilient workplaces where people can bring their authentic selves to work, where employees are empowered, and where learning, growth and self-development is a priority.
Born and raised in India, Nikita is a graduate of Political Science from Delhi University. As a Political Assistant with the Embassy of the Republic of Korea, New Delhi she supported and advised diplomats on political matters to strengthen relationship between the two countries. A natural leader, Nikita was invited to collaborate on the first ever Public Diplomacy Project undertaken by the Korean government to promote Korean culture in India and Indian culture in Korea.
Looking to pursue further growth through education and learning, Nikita moved to Canada in 2014 to study different political systems, processes, and structures through a Post-Grad Certificate in Public Administration. After a series of promotions at a research-based events company, Nikita found her current home at Radiant.
Today, Nikita leads Radiant’s Finance & Administration function and is once again pursuing further education by way of a Finance & Accounting designation at Ryerson University.
Nikita ensures Radiant maintains sound and ethical accounting practices while managing a budget and business model that ensures the quality and integrity of our client engagements. She leads a strategy to build capacity and impact (more great work, with more great companies) and in turn the financial responsibility behind that impact. With the ability to wear multiple hats, Nikita also leads legal, and facilities, and actively builds relationships with clients and their people.
Every day Nikita speaks her truth, brings integrity and authenticity to her role and brings the best to her team.